Interactive and static plots of CO2 emissions from 1900 to 2019.
Take a glimpse at the data
Rows: 494
Columns: 13
$ LOCATION <chr> "AUS", "AUS", "AUS", "AUT", "AUT", "AUT", "BEL"…
$ Country <chr> "Australia", "Australia", "Australia", "Austria…
$ DESC <chr> "UPW", "UPW", "UPW", "UPW", "UPW", "UPW", "UPW"…
$ Description <chr> "Unpaid work", "Unpaid work", "Unpaid work", "U…
$ SEX <chr> "TOTAL", "WOMEN", "MEN", "TOTAL", "WOMEN", "MEN…
$ Sex <chr> "Total", "Women", "Men", "Total", "Women", "Men…
$ AGE <chr> "15_64", "15_64", "15_64", "15_64", "15_64", "1…
$ Age <chr> "15-64", "15-64", "15-64", "15-64", "15-64", "1…
$ T <chr> "LY", "LY", "LY", "LY", "LY", "LY", "LY", "LY",…
$ Time <chr> "Latest year", "Latest year", "Latest year", "L…
$ Value <dbl> 243.1689, 311.0000, 171.5958, 202.0000, 269.172…
$ `Flag Codes` <chr> "D", "D", "D", NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, …
$ Flags <chr> "Difference in methodology", "Difference in met…
times2 %>%
ggplot(aes(x = Value, y = Gender)) +
geom_boxplot() +
theme_classic() +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")+
labs(y = "Gender")